Susan Hargrove, previously known as Susan Mayfield is a recurring character in the second and fourth seasons of Stranger Things, portrayed by Jennifer Marshall. She is the ex-wife of both Neil Hargrove and Sam Mayfield, the biological mother of Max Mayfield and was the stepmother of the late Billy Hargrove.
At some point, Susan divorced her previous husband Sam Mayfield and underwent a string of relationships with at least four different men, none of which lasted very long. Working as a teller at a bank, she met a security guard named Neil Hargrove, who developed an attraction for her until he finally proposed.[1] She later married Neil despite his abusive nature, moving from California to Hawkins, Indiana in 1984.
On November 4, 1984, Susan and Neil returned home from running errands, only to find Max missing and her bedroom window opened. Susan and Neil confronted Billy on Max's whereabouts, only to find out that he does not know where she is. When Neil starts abusing Billy, Susan watches in discomfort as Neil reprimands Billy for not being respectful and having responsibility. When Neil makes Billy apologize to Susan, she tries to assure that it's okay, but Neil stops her, saying Billy's behavior is not okay. Susan watches Neil order Billy to find Max and moves out of the way to let Neil leave the room before leaving too.[2]
On December 15, she helped Max with her hair to get ready for the Snow Ball, as she complimented on her daughter's hair.[3]
When Billy died after being killed by the Mind Flayer's avatar, Susan started getting into arguments with Neil who eventually divorced her before leaving Hawkins. According to Max, Neil could not get over his son's death and eventually decided to leave her and her mother. As a result of his divorce to Susan, she and Max were forced to move out of their house and take residence at the Forest Hills Trailer Park, with Susan working two jobs so she and Max could live in their trailer.[4]
By March of 1986, Susan began drinking heavily and had to pick up two jobs in order to keep a roof over herself and Max's heads. She started having a low impression of Eddie Munson, her neighbor who lived with his uncle across the street.[4]
On the night of March 21, Susan napped on the living room couch as Max cleaned up her beer cans and cigarette butts. Later, Max sat beside her sleeping mother as she watched television. As she stood up to hit the television set due to its weak signal, Max bore witness to the house's power surging, before hearing Eddie scream from a his house and watching him speed off in his van.[5]
On the morning of March 22, Susan and Max woke up to see police cars arrive at the Munson trailer. Susan believed Eddie was getting into some kind of trouble with the police, but it turned out his uncle found the corpse of Chrissy Cunningham.[5]
On March 24, after Max is targeted under Vecna's curse, she wrote a letter to her family members and loved ones, her mother included. Being dropped off at her trailer, Max left the letters on the living room table before noticing her mother hanging laundry outside. Max approached Susan, asking why she wasn't at work, and Susan explained her boss let her out early. Max hesitantly explained that she left letters for her and their family, lying that the murders have made her worry that something will happen to her and wouldn’t be able to convey how she felt to the people she loved. Susan hugged Max, promising nothing was going to happen to her, but quickly added on it would be "nothing [Max] didn't deserve". Max, noticing the clouds warping, realized that Vecna placed her in a trance. Susan transformed to Vecna, telling Max that letters won't change the what she broke, before releasing her from his grip. Max awoke on the ground, realizing that Susan was never even there.[6]
Susan is a kind and caring, but somewhat timid housewife. She genuinely cares for her daughter and stepson. She seems to have qualms with Neil's abusive parenting methods, shown by her trying to tell him it's okay after he slaps Billy and forces him to apologize for being disrespectful.
In 1986, after the death of her stepson and her divorce from Neil, Susan became depressed where she began drinking heavily, but she remained strong to work two jobs in order to provide for herself and her daughter.
Season Two appearances | |||
The Mind Flayer | The Gate |
Season Four appearances | |||
The Hellfire Club | Vecna's Curse | ||
Dear Billy* | |||
The Piggyback* |
Susan Hargrove appears in a vision in "Dear Billy" and in Max's memories in "The Piggyback".
Family tree[]
note: family trees are only visible on desktop.
Sam Mayfield |
Susan Hargrove |
Neil Hargrove |
Billy's mother | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Max Mayfield | Billy Hargrove † | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Upon the initial title reveal of the third season premiere, fans theorized "Suzie, Do You Copy?" would be about her.
- Unlike Seasons Two and Four, Season 3 is the only season she did not appear since her debut.
- As shown in "The Piggyback" script, Susan was supposed to be in Max's hospital room more prominently with Lucas. In the final cut, Susan is only seen from her right arm and torso sitting next to Erica, but it was very easy to miss, even though Jennifer Marshall was still credited in the episode.[7]
- In "The Case of the Missing Lifeguard", Susan is mentioned by Max to read Cosmopolitan magazines which are monthly magazines for women, with more than 50 international editions, featuring short fiction pieces and advice-oriented articles on relationships, sex, fashion, entertainment, and careers.