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Stranger Things: The Game, also known as Stranger Things: 1984, is a mobile game by BonusXP, Inc. for iOS and Android released on October 4, 2017.

The game's events take place after season one and before season two.


The gameplay is akin to adventure games from the SNES era, most notably The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Because the game is only playable on touch screen devices, game mechanics have been heavily simplified: everything from character movement, to combat, to inspecting and activating items can be achieved by tapping the screen. The game uses a 16-bit art style and is played in an overhead view. There are two game modes: Normal and Classic. In Classic mode, players are returned to the beginning of dungeons upon death, and enemies respawn even after dungeons have been completed.

Playable Characters[]

There are a total of eight playable characters. Characters 1-7 have been available since the first version of the game, while the eighth was added with the October 27th update, published in occasion for the release of the second season.

Character Maximum Damage Weapon & Skills Upgrades
Super Punch: Extra Knockback

Can charge at full health

Canadian Tuxedo: Gives Hopper +1 damage and +1 charge range at full health.
Wrist Rocket: Ranged Attack

Double damage at full health

Camo Backpack (x3): Gives Lucas +25 Rock capacity.
Lil Slugger: Destroys Breakables

Huge knockback at full health

Aluminum Bat: Gives Nancy a 2 damage attack.

Spiked Bat: Gives Nancy a 3 damage attack.

Flashlight: Stuns enemies

Bike: Jumps ramps, Fast travel

D-Cell Flashlight: Doubles Mike's stun duration.
5 (critical only)
Tight Squeeze: Crawl through pipes

Rapid move & attack low health

Lucky D20: Gives Will a 5 damage critical strike.
Pudding: Distracts enemies

Enemies drop hearts at low health

Lunchbox: Gives Dustin +50 Pudding capacity.
Pool Portal: Teleport between Baths

High knockback at full health

Maple Syrup: Gives Eleven a 3 damage attack.
Coin Toss: Throw coins at the enemy

Stun enemies at full health

Hockey Mask: Gives Max a 2 damage attack.


Jennifer Hayes is known as a non-playable-character in the game, responsible for giving the player a heart , and her relieved words whenever they play as Will.


Jennifer in-game

Plot synopsis[]

Late at night, Hopper receives a phone call from Flo, who tells him the Byers boy and his friends have gone missing.

Chapter 1: The Lost Boys[]

Hopper goes to Hawkins National Laboratory with Officer Powell to start searching for the missing boys.

Chapter 2: The Gate[]

Hopper and Lucas go into The Upside Down and the woods to find Nancy who went into The Upside Down thinking she could find Barb.

Chapter 3: The Voice in the Radio[]

Nancy tells Hopper that Mike might be at Hawkins Middle School.

Chapter 4: Fire and Water[]

Mike gets a call from Will who is in the sewers, they need dynamite to get inside.

Chapter 5: Riddles in the Dark[]

The boys figure Dustin would hide in the library so the investigation continues there.

Chapter 6: The Hydra[]

Hopper figures all the gates to the Upside Down that have been appearing around town have been coming from the depths of Hawkins National Laboratory, as the gang gets to the bottom they find the Tentacle Hydra.




An Eggo.

In total, there are eight Eggos the player can collect. The first six are obtained by defeating the six dungeons while the last two require the player to search for and find them. Once all eight are collected and placed into Hopper's lockbox, Eleven will be unlocked as a playable character and will automatically be available in the party in every subsequent save.


  • Eggo #1: Obtained after beating the boss of Hawkins National Laboratory.
  • Eggo #2: Obtained after beating the boss of the Forest Maze.
  • Eggo #3: Obtained after beating the boss of Hawkins Middle School.
  • Eggo #4: Obtained after beating the boss of the Sewers.
  • Eggo #5: Obtained after beating the boss of the Public Library.
  • Eggo #6: Obtained after beating the boss of the Hawkins Lab Bunker.
  • Eggo #7: Found in the refrigerator in the Wheelers' house.
  • Eggo #8: Found behind a breakable wall in the back of Bradley's Big Buy.

VHS Tapes[]


A VHS tape.

There are eight VHS tapes for the player to collect. While one can be found in each of the six dungeons, the last two are hidden elsewhere. Once all eight have been found, an exclusive clip from the second season can be viewed in the movie theatre.


  • VHS Tape #1: In Hawkins Lab east of the boss room.
  • VHS Tape #2: In the northwest part of the Forest Maze.
  • VHS Tape #3: East in Hawkins Middle School.
  • VHS Tape #4: East in the Sewers.
  • VHS Tape #5: Can be found in the Public Library after the player has beaten the dungeon.
  • VHS Tape #6: In the first room of the Bunker.
  • VHS Tape #7: In Hopper's trailer.
  • VHS Tape #8: In The Palace arcade.



A Gnome.

Twelve gnomes are scattered throughout Hawkins for the player to find. Returning them to Phil Larson's garage (located west of the High School) unlocks character upgrades. Returning 3 gnomes rewards Lucas with a Camo Backpack that increases his rock capacity by 25. Returning 6 gnomes grants Mike a D-cell flashlight giving him a longer stun duration. Returning 9 gnomes gives Will the Lucky D20, which gives his kicks a 5 damage critical hit. Returning all 12 rewards Dustin with a lunchbox which increases his pudding capacity by 50.


  • Gnome #1 (David): Behind Hopper's trailer.
  • Gnome #2 (Bumble): East in the Forest Maze through a pipe.
  • Gnome #3 (Grumble): Down a path east of Hawkins Laboratory.
  • Gnome #4 (Tumble): Woods south of the Middle School.
  • Gnome #5 (Sam): North in the Middle School behind a breakable wall.
  • Gnome #6 (Pipsy): Corn field next to the graveyard.
  • Gnome #7 (Tipsy): Woods west of the main entrance to the Sewers.
  • Gnome #8 (Robil): Through a pipe in Hawkins Lab.
  • Gnome #9 (Bobil): First room of the Sewers.
  • Gnome #10 (Wigglebum): In the Public Library south of the room with the gate.
  • Gnome #11 (Lord Twinklenose): House with a blue roof west of Hawkins High School.
  • Gnome #12 (Pop): Quarry passed the bear.

Heart Pieces[]

In total, there are 40 heart pieces for the player to find. With each four collected, the player will gain +1 health.


  • Heart Piece #1: Behind a breakable wall in Hawkins Lab.
  • Heart Piece #2: Received destroying all 5 of the breakable objects in Hawkins Lab.
  • Heart Piece #3: In a chest west of Hopper's trailer.
  • Heart Piece #4: Behind a bear in the woods west of the main entrance to the Sewers.
  • Heart Piece #5: Behind a breakable log west of Castle Byers.
  • Heart Piece #6: Rewarded for returning Powell's handcuffs.
  • Heart Piece #7: In the corn maze next to the graveyard.
  • Heart Piece #8: Rewarded for returning Mr. Clarke's textbook.
  • Heart Piece #9: Over a ramp northeast of the Librarian's house.
  • Heart Piece #10: Can be reached after entering a pipe on the 4th level of the Bunker.
  • Heart Piece #11: Found by climbing the ladder the VHS tape is found in.
  • Heart Piece #12: Rewarded for destroying all 5 pairs of balloons in the Sewers.
  • Heart Piece #13: West in the Forest Maze through a pipe.
  • Heart Piece #14: Received for destroying all 5 bells at the Middle School.
  • Heart Piece #15: Received for destroying all 5 birdhouses in the Forest Maze.
  • Heart Piece #16: Received for returning all 5 library books in the Public Library.
  • Heart Piece #17: Received for destroying all 5 jars in the Bunker.
  • Heart Piece #18: Received after giving the Robot Toy to the clerk at Bradley's Big Buy
  • Heart Piece #19: Behind a breakable wall at the Quarry.
  • Heart Piece #20: Received after returning Tommy's pocket knife.
  • Heart Piece #21: Received after giving the bottle of pop to Tommy.
  • Heart Piece #22: Received after giving the hair spray to Carol.
  • Heart Piece #23: Received after giving the lipstick to Carol.
  • Heart Piece #24: Received after returning Joyce's keychain.
  • Heart Piece #25: Received after giving Joyce a new phone.
  • Heart Piece #26: Received after giving Jonathan the blank cassette tape.
  • Heart Piece #27: Received after giving the game cartridge to the clerk at Bradley's Big Buy.
  • Heart Piece #28: Received after giving Karen the carton of milk.
  • Heart Piece #29: Received after giving Karen the pumpkin.
  • Heart Piece #30: Received after giving the romance novel to Flo.
  • Heart Piece #31: Received after giving the rubber skeleton to Flo.
  • Heart Piece #32: Received after returning Callahan's police badge.
  • Heart Piece #33: Received for returning Mr. Melvald's shop ledger.
  • Heart Piece #34: Received after talking to Jennifer Hayes as Will.
  • Heart Piece #35: Over a ramp west of the main Sewer entrance.
  • Heart Piece #36: Received for giving the clerk the bag of salt at the Hunting & Camping store.
  • Heart Piece #37: Found in the Sewers next to Jennifer.
  • Heart Piece #38: Over a ramp southeast of the Dump.
  • Heart Piece #39: In a house with a blue roof east of the Librarian's house.
  • Heart Piece #40: Received after giving Steve the movie tickets.


ST The Game Map

In-Game Map of Hawkins.

While the in-game map is more or less similar to the topography of Hawkins of Stranger Things, there are certain distinctions, particularly to the location of the Arcade and the Junkyard.

Accessible Locations[]


  • When a character (excluding Eleven) inspects a telephone, they say the phrase "Who ya gonna call?", referencing the 1984 film Ghostbusters.
  • The title of the game's first chapter is a nod to the 1987 film The Lost Boys.
  • The title of the game's fifth chapter is taken from The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, as part of the Lord of the Rings series of books.  It is also the fifth chapter of its medium.
  • When Hopper inspects the Upside Down version of the Heathkit, he utters the phrase "Is someone speaking Russian?", possibly alluding to the Russian Agent from season one.
  • When the player inspects a television while playing as Eleven, she will say the phrase "They're here...", referencing the 1982 film Poltergeist.
  • The entrance to the Forest Maze, is similar to the entrance to the first dungeon in Legend of Zelda for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
    • The name of the area also stems from Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars for the Super Nintendo.  Much like how Hopper and Lucas recruit Nancy in the area, Mario and Mallow recruit Geno in their visit to the Forest Maze.
  • The entire secret boss in the high school is a reference to Pac-Man from the level design to the four characters with the colours of blue, red, pink and orange.
  • The second boss(es), the Forest Ambushers, are a reference to the Armos Knights in the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Coincidentally, they are also the second boss(es).
  • Nancy's weapon Lil Slugger is a reference to the antagonist Lil Slugger in the anime Paranoia Agent, a mysterious attacker who uses a baseball bat to carry out a string of attacks.
  • The game originally costed money and was standalone, before being pulled and re-released, being available for free for those with a Netflix subscription. Those who have the original can still play without a subscription.
  • Strangely, Max's original ability upon release was a psychic blast rather than a coin toss. This was changed with a later update.[1]
  • While Billy Hargrove does not appear, his car is seen and noted by townspeople.

External links[]

