An untitled Stranger Things spinoff is an upcoming animated American sci-fi television series. Developed by Eric Robles and Flying Bark Productions, it will be executive-produced by Robles, the Duffer Brothers via Upside Down Pictures, and Shawn Levy and Dan Cohen of 21 Laps Entertainment.[1]
Cast and Characters[]
Main Cast[]
As part of the announcement of Season 4's release dates on February 17, 2022, the Duffer Brothers hinted the Stranger Things universe would expand with spinoffs.[2]
On December 23, 2022, a report by What's on Netflix claimed that one of the spin-offs will be an anime series called Stranger Things: Tokyo, planned to be around six hours long. The report included a brief overview of the show's premise: "An encounter with the Upside Down evolves into a grand adventure for video game-loving twin brothers living on the outskirts of 1980s Tokyo." However, the details from the report have yet to be confirmed by either the Duffer Brothers or Netflix.[3]
A report from Variety published on April 10, 2023, confirmed an animated spin-off was in development, though the Duffers provided no further description of the show's story. In a statement, the Duffers said the following:
“ | We've always dreamed of an animated 'Stranger Things' in the vein of the Saturday morning cartoons that we grew up loving, and to see this dream realized has been absolutely thrilling. We couldn't be more blown away by what Eric Robles and his team have come up with — the scripts and artwork are incredible, and we can't wait to share more with you! The adventure continues...
— The Duffer Brothers[1]
” |
The report revealed the spinoff was being developed by Eric Robles and Flying Bark Productions, who previously created the animated shows Random! Cartoons, Fanboy & Chum Chum, and Glitch Techs. Furthermore, the report stated the show will be executive-produced by Robles, the Duffer Brothers (via Upside Down Pictures), and Shawn Levy and Dan Cohen (via 21 Laps Entertainment).