Oleg, portrayed by Pasha Lychnikoff, was a recurring character in the fourth season of Stranger Things. He was a Russian prisoner at Kamchatka who befriends Jim Hopper and Dmitri Antonov and is one of the many prisoners who are killed by the Russian Demogorgon.
Oleg was imprisoned at the prison camp in Kamchatka for unknown reasons. He later became friends with Hawkins police chief Jim Hopper after Hopper was sent to the facility for plotting against the Soviet Union at the Starcourt Base.
On March 24, peanut butter smuggler Yuri Ismaylov revealed to the prison warden Melnikov that prison guard Dmitri Antonov was planning to break Hopper out of the facility for money, and Dmitri was consequently rendered a prisoner. Oleg befriended Antonov as well.
Th next day, prison guard Ivan showed Oleg and some other prisoners the arena where they would eventually fight the Russian Demogorgon. Afterwards, they enjoyed a hearty meal, but Hopper revealed that they would soon be fighting against a vicious monster and that they were being fattened up. The prisoners plotted to defeat the Russian Demogorgon.
The following night, Ivan led Oleg, Dmitri, Hopper and the other prisoners to the arena while Melnikov and Hopper's friends Joyce Byers and Murray Bauman spectated from above. As soon as the alarm rang, the prisoners scrambled to get their weapons, just before the Russian Demogorgon emerged from an opened gate. Unfortunately, the Russian Demogorgon killed all the prisoners except Dmitri and Hopper, including Oleg; the creature chewed Oleg's head viciously.
Season Four appearances | |||
The Nina Project | The Dive | ||
The Massacre at Hawkins Lab | The Piggyback* |
*Oleg's corpse was seen in The Piggyback.
Memorable Quotes[]
- "Закончи это!" (Finish him!)
- Oleg's prison uniform has a tag with his last name, and altough hard to read, it seems to say "ЁЖИКОВ", meaning his last name would be Yozhikov.