This page serves as a list of minor locations in Stranger Things.
County Line Diner[]
In March 1986, Sam Owens took Eleven to the County Line Diner in California to get food, where he revealed the existence of the Nina Project.
Hawkins General Hospital[]

The Byers family at the hospital.
Hawkins General Hospital was a hospital located in Hawkins, Indiana. Will Byers was brought there by his mother Joyce and Chief Hopper to recover after his ordeal in the Upside Down. While there, he was visited by both his mother and brother Jonathan, and his friends Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, and Lucas Sinclair.
Hunting & Camping[]

The Hunting & Camping store.
Hunting & Camping was a store located in downtown Hawkins, Indiana where Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers acquired their supplies to kill the Demogorgon. It was abadoned due to Starcourt Mall being open.
- Unnamed store owner
The RadioShack.
A RadioShack was located in downtown Hawkins, next to Melvald's General Store. It was relocated to the Starcourt Mall in 1985, and the original building was abandoned and left for lease. Bob Newby ran this store.
Roane County Coroner[]

Roane County Coroner was a coroner's and morgue located in Hawkins, Indiana, where Will Byers' corpse was stored. Chief Hopper broke into the morgue, cutting open the body with a knife. As he suspected, the body was fake and filled with stuffing.
- Gary - Coroner
- Patty - Receptionist
- Unnamed morgue worker
Blackburn Supplies[]
Blackburn Supplies is a store in Hawkins, Indiana, selling products including fertilizer. Mrs. Doris Driscoll bought several bags of fertilizer from Blackburn Supplies in 1985. Later, Flayed rats started consuming the fertilizer at the Driscoll house. After being Flayed, Mrs. Driscoll herself also began consuming the fertilizer, and had to be taken to Hawkins Memorial Hospital.
St. Mary's Hospital[]
St. Mary's Hospital is a hospital in or near Lenora Hills, California. Jonathan Byers ordered Argyle to drive to St. Mary's when Agent Harmon was severely injured by gunfire, however, Harmon unfortunately passed away before they could reach the hospital.
Roane Lumber Yard[]
Roane Lumber Yard is presumably a lumber mill in Hawkins, Indiana. It was the last place Tommy Zahlten was seen after a mysterious earthquake tore through Hawkins. It may have been damaged or completely destroyed in the "earthquake".
Indiana University Bloomington[]
Indiana University Bloomington is a university in Bloomington, Indiana. Terry Ives attended the college, and joined the Project MKUltra when it was hosted at the college.
Brenner's house[]

Dr. Martin Brenner had acquired a residence in Hawkins by September of 1979.[1]
Kali's warehouse[]

Kali's warehouse.
While residing in Chicago, Kali and her crew took shelter in an abandoned warehouse located in a rundown industrial area. After Eleven's psychic connection drew her there, she stayed with them for a while. Eventually, police attacks forced them to abandon the place and their paths diverted as Eleven decided to return back to Hawkins to save her friends.
Etowah is a river in Georgia. Benny Hammond and his friend Earl had plans to go fishing there before Benny's untimely death.[2]
Hawkins Presbyterian Church[]
The Hawkins Presbyterian Church was established in 1897. They held a service following the 'earthquake' of '86, and likely hosted Chrissy Cunningham's funeral.[3]
Railroad Tracks[]

The railroad tracks.
The railroad tracks are located somewhere in the woods on the outskirts of Hawkins and is a path that leads to the junkyard. Mike, Eleven, Dustin and Lucas discovered the tracks while they were searching for the Gate.
In 1984, Dustin and Steve later walked along the tracks while searching for Dart.
Kerley County[]
Kerley County is a county in Indiana near Roane County, where the town of Hawkins is located. The Pennhurst Mental Hospital is located in Kerley County.
Larrabee Road[]
Larrabee Road is a road in Bloomington, Indiana. The Ives house is located on this street, home to Terry and Becky Ives.
Dustin, Lucas, Mike and Will planned to use the Heathkit Ham Shack to contact Australia.[4]
Kali Prasad was born in London.[5]