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Eggo is a brand of frozen waffles made by the Kellogg Company, and sold in North America.[1] Eleven is obsessed with them.



Eleven was first introduced to Eggo waffles the morning after Mike Wheeler and the Party found her. Mike gave her a single Eggo for breakfast, which led to an addiction to the premade waffle. When El was left stranded in the woods, Eggo waffles were the only food she stole from Bradley's Big Buy.

After Eleven's disappearance, Jim Hopper was able to find her again by leaving a box of Eggos out in the woods. When El found the Eggos and realized he was putting them out for her, she confronted Hopper and they began living together in secret.


One morning, Hopper lured El out of bed with a Triple-Decker Eggo Extravaganza. He started conversing with Eleven, and tension began developing between them. At the climax of the argument, Eleven used her powers to fling the Extravaganza and Hopper, destroying it. During their fight, Hopper banned El from having any Eggos for a week (along with the TV).

Eggos were also the only thing El stole while Kali Prasad and her crew were robbing a gas station store.


When the gang was at Bradley's Big Buy to gather supplies for El, who had been attacked by the Mind Flayer's proxy form, Mike received a short transmission from Dustin Henderson through his Supercom. Eleven used her powers to locate Dustin while sitting in front of an open freezer of Eggos.


On March 23, 1986, following the incident at Rink-O-Mania, Mike made El a breakfast of Eggos, attempting to cheer her up.

Later that day, when eating with Sam Owens at the County Line Diner, she asked the waitress for waffles.


  • Eleven's obsession with Eggos and waffles was inspired by E.T.'s obsession with Reese's Pieces.
  • Triple-Decker Eggo Extravaganzas are an invention of Hopper's. They are made with three Eggo waffles with whipped cream layered in-between each waffle, and topped with various sweets such as Hershey's Kisses and jelly beans. Hopper made them as a special treat for Eleven when she was living with him.
Eggo Extravaganza
  • A limited item in Fortnite, called the "Waffle Extravaganza", could be purchased alongside the Eleven outfit, and is a clear reference to Eleven's love of Eggos.
Waffle Extravaganza - Back Bling - Fortnite

"Waffle Extravaganza"

    • The Waffle Extravangaza could be acquired either by purchasing the Eleven outfit on its own or by purchasing the entire Stranger Things Bundle.
    • The item is an "Epic Back Bling".
    • The Eggo-specific branding was likely removed due to copyright issues, but the item's name seems to specifically reference Hopper's Triple-Decker Eggo Extravaganzas.
  • Millie Bobby Brown is not obsessed with Eggo waffles in real life, though her favorite Eggo flavor is blueberry.


