Jonathan making breakfast.
Jonathan and his mom searching for Will.
Jonathan making a missing poster for Will.
Joyce and Jonathan working on missing posters for Will.
Joyce and Jonathan crying over Will.
Jonathan asking if there's a way to trace the strange phone call.
Jonathan asking Hopper permission to go see his father.
In a flashback, Jonathan and Will listen to
Jonathan closing door as his parents argue.
Jonathan having a talk with Will about their
Jonathan and Will continuing to listen to music.
Jonathan confronting his dad for not helping find Will.
Jonathan after being asked if his mom knows where he went to see his dad.
Jonathan taking pictures of Steve's party.
Jonathan taking a moment to reset his camera.
Jonathan upset that Hopper went through his car.
Jonathan and Nancy explaining the monster to Hopper and Joyce.
Jonathan apologizing to his mom for not believing her earlier.
Jonathan reconciling with his mom.
Jonathan getting an idea on how to find
Jonathan and the others receiving a transmission from Mike on Will's Supercom.
Joyce Byers, Jonathan Byers and Nancy Wheeler on the couch in the Byers home.