Wikia Stranger Things
Wikia Stranger Things

Murray Baumam[]

My fingers are like arrows! My arms, like iron! My feet, like spears! Resist, and I will end you. But turn this plane around, and I will spare your life!


Murray Bauman, portrayed by Brett Gelman, is a main character in Stranger Things, being introduced in the second season as a recurring role before being promoted to the main cast from the fourth season onward.

A former investigative journalist for the Chicago Sun-Times, Bauman was hired by the Hollands in 1984 to investigate their daughter Barbara's disappearance the previous year. He concluded the events in Hawkins were evidence of a "full-scale Russian invasion" due to finding leads about a mysterious girl with a shaved head. The chief of Hawkins police, Jim Hopper, continually dismissed Murray's attempts to convince him of the conspiracy.

A friend of Barbara Holland’s, Nancy Wheeler, went to Murray's home with Jonathan Byers, hoping to expose Hawkins Lab. They explained the prior year's events to Murray, including Barb’s disappearance, and the various ways in which the lab were involved. While the teenagers stayed over at Murray's, Murray poked fun at the pair, advising them to stop avoiding their feelings for each other. Murray later helped them release tapes containing an unwitting 'confession' by Hawkins Lab director Dr. Sam Owens. The lab were forced to acknowledge their involvement in Barb's death, but claimed she died due to a chemical leak, a cover story that Murray persuaded Nancy and Jonathan to endorse.

In July 1985, Chief Hopper and his friend Joyce Byers discovered a covert Soviet operation at Hess Farm, capturing a Russian scientist named Dr. Alexei in the process. Needing help to translate Alexei's speech, Hopper and Joyce begrudgingly turned to Murray for help, the nearest Russian speaker that Hopper knew of. Through Alexei, the Americans learned that Alexei and his compatriots had assembled a machine in a secret base deep beneath Starcourt Mall; a technology capable of prying open a fresh gate to the Upside Down. After Alexei was killed by Russian hitman Grigori, Murray assisted in infiltrating the hidden base, allowing Joyce and Hopper to disable the gate machine. Moments later, he and Joyce were found by the U.S. Army, though Hopper apparently perished during his final skirmish with Grigori.

When Joyce received an anonymous package in March 1986, Murray helped her find a note hidden within the package, claiming Hopper was still alive. Murray soon joined Joyce on a rescue mission to break Hopper out of a prison camp in Kamchatka, discovering he had been captured by the Russians after closing the gate under Starcourt the previous year. Despite being double-crossed by smuggler pilot Yuri Ismaylov, Murray and Joyce reached Kamchatka and successfully rescued Hopper, though in the process, indirectly killed the majority of the prison staff by setting the Russian Demogorgon free. [1]

Despite escaping to Yuri Ismaylov's warehouse in Kyrzran, the group returned to the prison after learning Hopper and Joyce’s children were imperilled by a new evil threatening Hawkins. They hoped that by destroying swirling particles they had witnessed at the base - a captured fragment of "the Mind Flayer" - they could deal damage to the Upside Down's hive mind, and assist their friends in need. Returning to the prison, Hopper, Joyce and Murray learned that gunfire shattered the tanks holding the Mind Flayer fragment and numerous cryogenically frozen Demodogs, with the Mind Flayer re-animating the Demodogs. The Americans set out to kill the Demodogs and the Russian Demogorgon, fighting for their lives while hoping to inflict pain upon the hive mind. After some time, Hopper, Joyce and Murray managed to execute all the creatures, with Dmitri Antonov and Yuri arriving by helicopter to take them back to America.


Murray Baumam Nasceu em 1944 e trabalha como investigador jornalístico de Hawkins,Ele ajudou Nancy wheller e Jonathan Byers a investigarem a morte de Bárbara Holland em 1984

1984:30 de Outubro :[]