So if anyone has seen the rumors that Kali is returning I'd like to share my theory about her and her role in Season 5. We all know episode 7 is a controversial episode for placement reasons and honestly just bad writing. I personally didnt mind Kali at all it was just her weirdo friends that were the problem. Anyway well if you remember Kali was the first person to tell Eleven that channeling her anger will make her stronger all she needs to do is think of a hurtful memory. Now in Season 4, Henry/Vecna/001 tells her the same exact thing, he also mentions Kali so we know that her and Vecna had some sort of friendship during her time at the lab. I believe Vecna is the one that told Kali this initially, who then told Eleven later in life. Now Kali, is one of the only test subjects that has different powers than the rest. She can make people see and not see whatever she chooses. These powers are similar to Vecna and I believe Kali may be key to defeating Vecna, which is why Terry Ives(El's mom) sent Eleven to go to Kali. More on that another time but its also possible Terry knows more about the lab and Vecna/Brenner/mind flayer than she is currently capable of expressing.
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Hi! Been a while! I had to take a break from this for a little bit due to school concerns, but I am back. To welcome me back to the fandom, what better way to return then to RANK your favorite season! I’ll be posting periodically from note on but I will be here!
Just Updated
21 Votes in Poll
Season 1: The best of all. I dont think any show has ever produced a perfect season of television but if it was possible, this would be it. The atmosphere, storytelling, and characters were all new at this point and it was a great intro to the story. Music was also the peak here. My opinion might be biased based on nostalgia for the time I watched it.
Season 2: A great follow up to Season 1. They kept the same atmosphere and were loyal to the characterization. Good character development this season. Love the Halloween setting, and again, nostalgia for the time in my life that I watched it.
Season 4: Arguably the most epic in scale, I like the callbacks they made to past seasons and tied all the storylines together. Vecna is by far the best villian, and it's crazy to know he pulled all the strings from day one. When will is possessed in Season 2 he draws the same shadow monster Henry does as a child. He also speaks about the mind flayer as "him" but we now know this whole time hes talking about Vecna, since Vecna and the Mind Flayer are linked.
Season 3: I honestly think this whole season is filler. Its like an anime where you have Manga episodes but theres some filler you can watch that doesnt really progress the story any further. However, I do think this season is the funniest out of all, they really peaked in comedy here. The action sequences are cool too. The only thing that adds to the story is when Billy is talking to Eleven in a vision, he is talking through the Mind Flayer. But his mannerisms and tone of voice very much resembles Vecna, which we know was him this whole time now.
Conclusion: I like how this show is realistic in terms of we only know what the kids and adults know until further revealed. The group had every right to believe the main villian is the Mind Flayer, because there was no way to discover that Vecna was behind it. Until Vecna was infiltrating psychic contact, which he got from Elevens leg, and until Eleven went to Project Nina.
22 Votes in Poll
If this leak is true, then November seems far, if they end up going with the two volumes route, maybe vol 2 releases in December? I'd hope so because I wouldn't want to watch the final season a couple weeks before my semester finals. If it concludes in Dec, then there's a more flexible schedule there. What's your take on this rumor/leak?
Netflix's Stranger Things Season 5 Release Date Accidentally Leaked via Website API
I like to write it, and some authors are really worth reading. Seriously. Do you have a favorite?
Okay, I don’t know how to contact people on this app. So, to Jesper, I’ll tell you where to find my writings. I’m doing short stories on under respiratorydw name. I also have some older writings ( not as good, I think ) on
23 Votes in Poll
26 Votes in Poll
30 Votes in Poll
Mike x 011
Chrissy x max
Nancy x Jonathan
Steve x Robin
Dustin x Suzie
You don't have 2 support these! 🩵
(A) Eleven Recognizes Will. On November 8, 1983, Mike gives Eleven a tour of his house. During the tour, El sees a picture of Will and recognizes it.
But wait! El was held as a test subject in the lab from birth to November 6, 1983 (when she escaped). Will was abducted by the demogorgon on November 6, 1983. So where/how/when did they meet?
(B) Hopper Knows Eleven is in the Woods. By December 1983, Hopper is leaving Eggos and other food in a box in the woods for Eleven.
But wait! How did he know that Eleven was there? Eleven did have an encounter with an older hunter in the woods - but we have no indication that Hopper ever learned about this. So how did he know to leave food in the woods?
(C) Barb’s Grave. We see Barb’s grave near the end of the episode “The Gate”. The grave marker says that Barb died November 15, 1983.
But wait! Will was abducted on November 6, 1983. Barb was abducted 2 days later, which means Barb was abducted on November 8. She apparently died that same day. By November 12, El has seen Barb’s body in the Upside Down (in the “Bathtub” episode) so both Nancy and Jonathan know that Barb was dead by November 12.
So why does the grave say November 15? It could just be a mistake by the film crew. But we do not know exactly what was said in the tape recording that Nancy made of Dr. Owens. And we do not know exactly what was in the modified tape recording that Nancy, Jonathan, and Murray sent to the newspapers (in the episode “the Spy”). So, is there some additional information that we do not let know about Barb’s death? Maybe Stranger Things 5 will have more justice for Barb.
(D) The mysterious stairway. In the episode “The Gate”, about 28:30 into the episode, Eleven and Hopper find Dr. Owens in a stairwell at Hawkins Lab. We also see the same stairway when Bob is trying to reset the breakers in the episode “The Mind Flayer”.
We see the exact same stairwell including a distinctive railing, in the episode from the first Season “The Upside Down”, about 18:45 into the episode. In the “Upside Down”, we see Hopper sobbing in the stairs as his little daughter is dying of cancer in the hospital....
But wait! If it is the same stairwell, then maybe Sarah did not die in the hospital - maybe she died at Hawkins’ lab. We assumed that Sarah died of cancer because she was shown with no hair - -but if she was in Hawkins’ lab, maybe she did not have cancer after all. So, could Sarah Hopper have had a number tattooed on her arm? Did Sarah die at Hawkins Lab because of Brenner’s experiments? Maybe Brenner was trying to replace the kids killed in the massacre, and Sarah was a potential replacement?
(E) The Green Car. In the episode Dig Dug, we see into the memories of Terry Ives. In her memory, she takes a gun and drives to Hawkins Lab. There, she tries to rescue Jane Ives. And she fails. We see two little girls who apparently are younger versions of Eight and Eleven. Since this is in Terry Ives’ memories, and looking at the age of the two girls, all of this happens about five years before the events of Season 1.
Also, remember that when Hopper and Joyce go to talk to Terry Ives in the episode “The Monster”, Becky Ives tells them they arrived “about five years too late”. We know from season 2 that Terry has been in a catatonic state since she received an electrical shock from Dr. Brenner. So, the events that Terry Ives is remembering happened about 1978 - about 5 years before the events of season one.
But wait! In 1978, when Terry arrived on the parking lot (about 48:30 into the episode “Dig Dug”), she parks her car and gets out. We see a green car parked directly behind Terry Ives’ car.
Who drives a green car in Hawkins, Indiana? Joyce Byers drives a car that looks a LOT like the one we glimpse on the parking lot.
So, if that is Joyce’s car on the parking lot, what was she (or maybe Lonnie) doing at Hawkins Lab five years before Will was abducted? Maybe this is evidence of earlier ties of the Byers’ family to Hawkins Lab? Maybe season 5 will answer this question too.
22 Votes in Poll
Ok, does anyone know a way to watch the episodes besides on Netflix?!? We don't have a subscription anymore, and I'm DYING!!!
14 Votes in Poll
23 Votes in Poll
Hello my name is panini i liek vocaloid and project shitfart (sekai)
hiiiiiiii I’m gizmo, I’ve been here for a while, but I‘m not too active, so most of you probably don’t know me, and I don’t think I ever made a proper entrance
I’m a fanartist, I use he/they, my favourite characters (in order) are Eddie, (yes I’m basic, I’m aware) Steve, Hopper, and Robin
I’m also active on the Gravity Falls, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and Dysfunctional Perspective wikis :)