@Averhoes ah I see
Wait, I’m confused. Isn’t this post about when we get the teaser, not the actual release date of the show?
Probably just for fun idk
@Isaacbrybry no, in the official episode titles that Netflix revealed, episode 2 was just called The Vanishing of ________
There was no Wheeler in it, so it really could be anyone
Yeah, that is possible because in the official episode titles that were leaked by Netflix themself it’s just the Vanishing of _______ and according to some recent leaks, Eleven will disappear, so yes, the Vanishing of Jane Hopper as an episode title is very much possible!
Oh wow! They were so little and cute back then!
Now they’re all fully grown adults 😢
Pretty much impossible to tell
@GrizzledVeteran Yes, your points are amazing! I agree with pretty much everything you said, very well said!
My rankings are similar to yours, except I would put season 4 at the bottom, but just like you, season 1 is by far my favorite, for pretty much the same reasons as you.
Season 1 is by far the best imo, but after that they’re all extremely close, but I think season 4 is my least favorite.
Season 1 was not only my favorite, but I feel like it’s objectively the best quality too
@XI8MOZ16 yeah I suppose that’s true, it was an authentic experience
I think it’ll be long, but not as long as season 4
Ah I kind of see what you’re saying, but answer this: if in real life, Steve and Billy had a fight, who do you think would win?
Yes, I agree El should have had social experience WHEN THE TIME CAME. Again, I think her personal safety is more important, but once there wasn’t a safety threat anymore, she could have gone to the mall as much as she wanted to!
@XI8MOZ16 well if you think Billy would win you should’ve voted for Billy. The question is literally asking, “who wins” not “which character is more likeable”
@XI8MOZ16 El could’ve learned about freedom and all that once her own safety was ensured. What do you think should be prioritized, her safety or learning about freedom?
I don’t understand how the majority of votes say Steve would win. They literally had this fight and we saw who won: Billy. What changed in season 4 about Steve that suddenly makes him able to beat Billy?
@XI8MOZ16 she literally took her to the mall, a place where pretty much everyone from all around Hawkins came to, when it was obviously extremely unsafe for her
Obv Billy he’s jacked. They literally fought in season 2 and Billy smoked him and there’s no reason to think Steve got stronger in season 4
Eddie + Dustin because Max was kind of a bad influence on Eleven in season 3
Yes, exactly! These are some great points! Will definitely deserves better than Mike, and also, something I think you forgot to mention, is there’s no reason to think that Mike is gay.
And although I ship Mileven, I understand your reasons against that too. It’s true that eleven never really got to explore other guys bc she started dating Mike before she knew anything about the world.