ST- Stranger Things
UD- Upside Down
DB- Duffer Brothers
S5E4- Season Five, Episdoe Four
HNL- Hawkins National Laboratory
MF- Mind Flayer
Not gonna lie, but at first i thought the Red cap guy was Finn (and immediatly thought, did time pass that fast?)
^ I think he is just giving an posibility on who might disappear.
@SongbirdsSnakes&ScarletPhoenixes No no, its nothing. Just when you need to mention an episdose, like instead of writing 'The Battle of Starcourt', write S3E8 or 'The Crawl' as S5E1. (works only if both the writer and reader knows a lot about ST episode sequence)
Thou for the location of Hawkins, i think a few months back, like in October, a post was made in which we discussed the location of Hawkins and from the map of Hakwins provided in the book: WTUD, it gave latitudes of the town and a small pictogram of where Hawkins is in Indiana. It was ((concluded)) that Hawkins was situated in the center of Indiana, towards a little upward right.
I know your post is about the blooper but just wanted to give some opinion.
@Averhoes That makes sense, but that was a crutial part of the story, which happenes in most of the shows and movies to show the past of events which lead to the current position. But will El disappering be that big deal. It might, it really.
Thou your explanation is right.
Now the question is who? Is she even missing or hidind with Hopper, Linda Hamilton/Owens, UD?
Thats some thinking.
ST- Stranger Things
UD- Upside Down
DB- Duffer Brothers
S5E4- Season Five, Episdoe Four
HNL- Hawkins National Laboratory
MF- Mind Flayer
Can be but why would they have a episode about her vanishing in E2 because accoding to the poster she vanishes before the events of S5 happen. Holly is still a contender.
Its most likely a ploy from the US Govt/CIA to capture El.
She's in hiding with Hopper.
From the BTS video, we see only 1 shot of EL and Hopper indicating that they dont want to spoil their location and the secrets they there doing.
I think it will help us understand, what made Henry, Henry and how he got powers.
The only thing i know is that, the play gave the origin discovery of UD from 1942.
@Respiratorydw I liked it. It was a nice shot read. Like how you introduced Kali in this story. Sullivan and Oens. Good dialouges. Dialouges of Argyle were perfect.
I wished there were more interaction between Mike, Will and Jonathan
The UFO incident of Kali and El was also very clever.
Max driving with Billy back home.
Lucas and Dustin inviting her for Halloween in school
Could not have said better.
I think only if you have nothing else to watch. There are soo many other shows also. Give try to them also. Rewatch ST before S5 release.
@Respiratorydw Thanks for choosing my idea and working on it.
I think thats an very interesting thought.
Thou there are somethings to take note:-
ST was only about to be a one season show. So they didnot plan that ahead of a S4, let alone S5. So DB's didnot plan for that to happen. Most likly it was for promotional material. (Also i know which exact photo you are refering to, as i have that photo in the book ST:WTUD. Its for promotional purpose)
But, if DB's remember this photo and use it in S5 to connect S1&S5. It would be brilliant.
That Will before going in the shed was shown a vision of Mike coming to help him but he saw thought the vision and ran back to the shed to get the gun.
I think they said that it felt like a movie. Figurative.