While I think having a new antagonist for season 5 would be interesting, I feel like the Duffer Brothers should focus on the antagonists they left us with in season 4. I think introducing a new antagonist would be a little risky, given that season 5 will be the last season, and a lot already needs to be resolved without introducing a new antagonist.
@Durga1239 Hey!! Don’t worry, I’m still around! I remember you :) I just haven’t been as active as I usually am haha
Honestly, I’m not voting for either of them. As others have said, Billy’s character arc was completed. As for Eddie, his death could have been easily avoided, and I think his character was only decent at best. In all honesty, I didn’t shed a tear for either of them, so to answer the poll’s question, I think their deaths should remain as they are.
@UpChurch ^ That’s exactly how I feel.
@Vanessa.A.J.001 AHH OMG HII 🥺 I REMEMBER YOU!! Seriously, I should start rewatching s4 or something, I need to get reinvested again haha
Hey, guys! :) It’s been a while, so I don’t think most of you remember me, but I’m back! I missed you all so much 🫶🏼
I respect your opinion, but would you mind sharing a few reasons why you believe season one is the worst season? I’m curious.
Season one will always be my favorite. 🤍 It’s the season where it all began. It’s nostalgic for me.
I’m so excited!! 🥳
Hi - I’m also making a very abrupt and random appearance, haha. Most people here are new, so I don’t expect you guys to remember me - but I definitely agree with everything stated in this post. I would personally love for S5 to have parallels to S1. With S5 being the finale, it would make sense to go full circle and bring some of those S1 aspects back. And despite not being a fan of Mike, I agree that he’s been done wrong by the Duffer Brothers. He lacks development, and I would like to see him grow in this last upcoming season.
Ahh, Happy Birthday!! 🎉
If Eddie came back, I would be more than a little disappointed. Although I found his death to be pointless, his “sacrifice” would be even more of a waste if he came back—even more so if he became some supernatural entity such as a vampire, which I find to be incredibly unlikely and low key weird. I’m not a big fan of this theory.
Guys, my car veered off the road and it’s a blizzard outside—I could hardly see the lanes. My hands are still shaking, but I made it to class on time at least 😭
There wasn’t a tear shed, unfortunately. I can understand why a lot of people might relate to him, with him being an outcast with grunge rebel vibes, etc., but I personally found his character to be okay at best. But the amount of people who worship this guy is staggering, and it’s appalling to me, because where is this support for other characters who are WAY more deserving of it, like Bob? Or Barb? Because of this, my respect for Eddie as a character has faltered. I don’t hate him I suppose, but I honestly can’t find a reason to love him besides the fact that he’s a nerd with long hair and a love for punk rock. He isn’t significant to me in any form of the word. But that’s just me.
Okay here’s mine:
Running up that hill
I can’t believe I got that, lol. Let me try with some other stuff:
Steve Harrinytojvanr and Rustin share an ice ftwncfone (translate: Steve Harrington and Dustin share an ice cream cone 😂)
S1 wasn’t Steve’s best, but I would argue that Steve partially redeemed himself in S1—and this scene is so overlooked—but do you guys remember when Steve beat up Jonathan with his cronies, right? I’m front of the theater? After they wrote the cruel insult about Nancy on the front? Then later, there’s a scene with a guy trying to scrub off the paint, and Steve walks over and offers to help. Steve was definitely your stereotypical teenage douche during S1, but he was also foreshadowing his potential for good through this scene. In other words, although I don’t like Steve in S1 by any means, I honestly believe he that he isn’t as monstrous as people label his S1 version of himself to be. And yet people turn their heads and ignore the fact that Jonathan took a picture of Nancy undressing in the same season without an apology.
Anyways, I do agree that he’s overrated, but his character development is definitely notable and should be celebrated.
Lucas and Will are both really close. I would tie between the two if I could, but I really do feel like Lucas has come out of the woodwork a lot more in this most recent season.
Here’s some comments about Will:
Will was clinging to life in the Upside Down during S1. Having spent his life with no exposure to this supernatural universe, the impact of the kidnapping as well as the creatures and elements within the Upside Down have, no doubt, scarred him forever and significantly changed him in ways that have both physical and psychological consequences. El may have endured similar circumstances in this sense, but she’s had steady exposure to the Upside Down throughout her entire life in the lab. She was able to become familiar with these things, despite her experiences with the Upside Down being obviously traumatic for her. Will, however, never had this steady exposure, lab tests, and so on. He was thrown into the Upside Down with no conceivable idea of what he was seeing, smelling, touching, feeling—it was, undoubtedly, the most horrific experience any human being could endure—and we’re talking about a 12-year-old child. In addition to all of the new, frightening things Will encountered in the Upside Down, he actually discovered a way to communicate with his mother. Could you imagine what that must be like—to have the ability to speak with your mother, yet you’re unable to see or touch her? A nightmare. A complete and total nightmare—once again, especially for a child.
Will became possessed in S2. This goes without saying that this was an extremely traumatic experience for him, and a horrifying situation that El has not experienced herself, especially to the extent that Will endured. He was only 13 years old during this period of time. He just survived one of the most disturbing near-death experiences known to humankind. All Will wanted was to be normal again—a reality he knew well in another lifetime, which only makes it so much more painful. He was bullied and treated as if he might break—which only broke Will further, because all he wanted was his childhood back. Will was haunted through vivid, mortifying, waking nightmares which left him paralyzed with his eyes rolled to the back of his head. When he was possessed, the parts of the Mind Flayer which harbored inside of him controlled him in ways that were unnatural and inhuman. This ordeal was certainly very traumatic on his physical and psychological well-being, and traces of this experience are very apparent in future seasons.
Unlike those who came before him, Will has the ability to feel Vecna, the Mind Flayer, and the “hive mind” that is the Upside Down. He can sense things no one else can. He can read into the emotions of the most powerful villain this show has ever produced. He can detect danger through a sixth sense that no one else can relate to. This has singled him out as an oddity in the most extreme sense of the word. He has to feel, sense, and decipher feelings and thoughts that don’t belong to him. Foreign ideas and emotions weigh on his conscience in ways that nobody else can fully grasp or understand until the impending doom is upon them. Will carries a responsibility that he don’t want to have, and most definitely doesn’t deserve.
Although I wouldn’t necessarily call this trauma, Will has struggled with his friendships throughout the show. Following S2, Will was noticeably left on the back burner. After all that he went through (as I mentioned earlier), all Will wanted was for things to be the way they were. He wanted to make up for the time he lost as he battled through his traumatic encounters during the first two seasons. That’s why he was so adamant about playing D&D during S3. That was why he got so upset sitting inside Byers Castle, to the point where he took a bat to it and destroyed it. Will was hurting. And his friends were moving on while he was just trying to live again. He was struggling to pick up the obliterated pieces of his childhood while making sense of his own feelings, which we now know is his romantic interest in Mike. All of these confusing, spiraling conflicts in Will’s life have only added to the seemingly never-ending pain and suffering he’s gone through.
I have such a profound respect for Will Byers. And although all of these characters have experienced an arguably similar level of trauma, I really do believe that Will Byers’s trauma needs to be addressed and acknowledged.
6:14 PM for me.