Do you think the lore that is shown in the Stranger Things play will be implemented in Season 5? Duffers said the play adds to the plot of Season 5 but will it be merely a standalone story and nothing else?
Sorry if I got carried away haha
Its very likely Vecna will use Eddie as a vision to get to dustin, cant wait to see that
Ok I see what you're saying now, I agree it is possible to bring Eddie and Billy back as a sort of vision or hallucination, but comparing it to Brenner being brought back is just nonsensical. Billy and Eddie died on screen we saw the life leave from their eyes, Brenner literally just got jumped on and then it cut away. Its not the same thing. And I dont think its a plot device because who better to bring back El's powers than the person who taught her how to use them? Brenner holds all the cards. He has the footage from the lab, and the Nina machine. He also has the experience of dealing with Henry/Vecna, he basically raised him, and also was there that day during the massacre. Who else is better to help El? Some random guy??
Bro literally is BURIED underground what is he gonna reanimate like hes in some Thriller music video?
@XI8MOZ16 And if you didnt understand the allusion to his return, you clearly didnt pay attention throughout the entire history of the show.
I dont think thats true at all. Billy had an on screen death. Brenner didnt, its plain and simple.
Guys billy is dead haha, theres no possible way he comes back. On the other hand, we never saw Brenner die, he was just attacked. It shows with the scar on his face in Season 4. We can just assume the minute he was jumped on the guards shot at the Demogorgon and it let go of him. Also, his return didn't come out of nowhere. It was hinted at all the way in Season 2 when Ray Caroll said Brenner was alive and knew where he was hiding. But we actually SAW Billy die... that man GONE
He meant upside down
I agree!! I think people fail to realize she was literally the opening scene of Season 2 as well haha
Do you think the lore that is shown in the Stranger Things play will be implemented in Season 5? Duffers said the play adds to the plot of Season 5 but will it be merely a standalone story and nothing else?
I dont think it was necessarily her the fandom had a problem with, it was the placement of the episode and her gang she had. I think she is a good character
So if anyone has seen the rumors that Kali is returning I'd like to share my theory about her and her role in Season 5. We all know episode 7 is a controversial episode for placement reasons and honestly just bad writing. I personally didnt mind Kali at all it was just her weirdo friends that were the problem. Anyway well if you remember Kali was the first person to tell Eleven that channeling her anger will make her stronger all she needs to do is think of a hurtful memory. Now in Season 4, Henry/Vecna/001 tells her the same exact thing, he also mentions Kali so we know that her and Vecna had some sort of friendship during her time at the lab. I believe Vecna is the one that told Kali this initially, who then told Eleven later in life. Now Kali, is one of the only test subjects that has different powers than the rest. She can make people see and not see whatever she chooses. These powers are similar to Vecna and I believe Kali may be key to defeating Vecna, which is why Terry Ives(El's mom) sent Eleven to go to Kali. More on that another time but its also possible Terry knows more about the lab and Vecna/Brenner/mind flayer than she is currently capable of expressing.
Season 1: The best of all. I dont think any show has ever produced a perfect season of television but if it was possible, this would be it. The atmosphere, storytelling, and characters were all new at this point and it was a great intro to the story. Music was also the peak here. My opinion might be biased based on nostalgia for the time I watched it.
Season 2: A great follow up to Season 1. They kept the same atmosphere and were loyal to the characterization. Good character development this season. Love the Halloween setting, and again, nostalgia for the time in my life that I watched it.
Season 4: Arguably the most epic in scale, I like the callbacks they made to past seasons and tied all the storylines together. Vecna is by far the best villian, and it's crazy to know he pulled all the strings from day one. When will is possessed in Season 2 he draws the same shadow monster Henry does as a child. He also speaks about the mind flayer as "him" but we now know this whole time hes talking about Vecna, since Vecna and the Mind Flayer are linked.
Season 3: I honestly think this whole season is filler. Its like an anime where you have Manga episodes but theres some filler you can watch that doesnt really progress the story any further. However, I do think this season is the funniest out of all, they really peaked in comedy here. The action sequences are cool too. The only thing that adds to the story is when Billy is talking to Eleven in a vision, he is talking through the Mind Flayer. But his mannerisms and tone of voice very much resembles Vecna, which we know was him this whole time now.
Conclusion: I like how this show is realistic in terms of we only know what the kids and adults know until further revealed. The group had every right to believe the main villian is the Mind Flayer, because there was no way to discover that Vecna was behind it. Until Vecna was infiltrating psychic contact, which he got from Elevens leg, and until Eleven went to Project Nina.
That would be really sick, do you plan on rewatching all seasons before season 5? The duffers say they all tie together. I personally think Season 1 is the best they've ever done.
Idk, its just a fun idea but Im sad we never got that alternative footage. Maybe in the future!
I just looked as well ur right, its on both versions. And to me that looks like its outside the hut because look at the grass on the ground.
We all know Season 5 is gonna be about Will and his journey, with flashbacks about his time in the upside down. We know this from the BTS photos. I have a theory regarding unreleased footage dating all the way back to S1 E1. If you go back and look at the still images that go with the episodes on Netflix (Tv not smart phone) they all include actual shots that are included in that episode, every one EXCEPT S1E1. When will is running away from the Demogorgon he just runs straight to the shed and slams the door behind him, he then waits for it to arrive with a shotgun. In the still image, he is standing outside it observing the glowing light from the shed in what seems like a calm manner. I believe this may be after he vanished along with the Demogorgon, and I think Vecna is subjecting him to a vision.
@blackcat927 Everyone thinks he is a jerk because of wills perspective of what was happening, but in reality mike was doing nothing wrong except living his life. Will was in the wrong making a big deal out of it
@blackcat927 But he’s the only one in the show that would jump off a cliff to save his friend
@the345bob There’s a small group of people that hate mike now all because their little Mike and will ship when up in flames lmao. He said one mean thing and now they forget who he is