58 Votes in Poll
46 Votes in Poll
So I was busy watching S4 with my friend bc she started to watch ST and now is on S4- okay well that’s not the point. So when I was watch S4 Ted showed up and he was acting like a normal father trying to give Mike help so he knows he has to sleep early to go see El in Lenora ,California. AND ITS LIKE NO ONE LIKES TED. like bro what did he ever do? I understand people are saying he MIGHT me homophobic. Well I don’t know either and I respect ur opinion if u like Ted or not. I just want answers why people hate him bc I have no clue. Thanks guys! Oh and btw who hell chose Lonnie!?
So we never see any pictures of Nancy when she wasn’t a teenager and her backstory is never put into detail so here’s my ePiC theory about it (I will do some on other characters too)
So in this theory Karen is Alice creel so remember that
Nancy was born in 1967 at the current wheelers house. Karen and Ted ( I will call Alice Karen) had gotten married in 1964 and had Nancy right after their honeymoon. From a very young age, Nancy appeared to be different. She was accelerating in learning faster than any other kid at the time. She always knew what was on someone’s mind and when she was 3, she showing signs of special abilities. That same year Mike was born. He was a pretty normal kid and Nancy liked to play games with him. She always liked to play monopoly with her parents also. But Nancy was a very shy kid and had little friends, so when she was 7 her parents signed her up for soccer. She was good but never took that much interest in the sport. Everything was fine until June 8th, 1977. Nancy and her family were coming back from their long trip to visit family in the UK. After they got off the plane, Nancy ran over to a table where they were keeping the animals on board. She started to search for her pet gerbil, Bob. She finally found him and opened the cage. She wrinkled her nose in disgust. She gaped at the dead gerbil laying across the cage. Tears lined her eyes. In a burst of rage, she unlocked something in her mind. She placed the gerbil atop the cage. Focusing all her night on the dead creature, it started to levitate. Nancy’s eyes started to turn color. From their original blue to neon green. The gerbil started to shake. It shook and shook, then exploded into a clot of green. Nancy collapsed.
Karen picked Nancy up and carried her to their car. Karen was petrified. She dropped Ted and Mike at home and set off for Hawkins Laboratory.
Nancy’s eyes opened. She could not remember anything that happened or even who she was. She looked up. Dr Brenner stood before him, a giant injector in his right hand. “Ok, she’s free to go.” He said and friendly orderly’s walked Nancy out.
Nancys memory along with her powers had gotten sucked out. Her memories were of a normal popular girl whose best friend was Barb. Everyone else who had witnessed her powers was also mind swept.
My s5 theory is that Nancy will start to remember again and her powers will come back and she along with eleven (not kali why) will kill vecna and the gaping mouth monster.
That was very long sry
Congrats if ur reading this far tho respect
Yeah this is long.
So I think that a time jump is cool but it should be a week at most. Literally s4 left off with Hawkins in ruins and if you skipped a year or more it wouldn’t make sense at all.
Ok time for theory
So a week has passed since the end of s4 and all the residents of Hawkins have evacuated except for the main characters. The kids begged their parents not to leave because if they did they wouldn’t be able to fight Vecna and that’s a problem.
After he returned to Hawkins, will has been having signs of Vecna’s curse. Vecna is in a terrible bodily state but his mind and powers are only getting stronger. After Nancy, Robin, and Steve almost killed him, vecna crawled away from the creek house. He had a plan. He found Eddie’s deceased body laying exactly where he died. He was able to use his powers to leave his deformed body and enter Eddie’s. Vecna is now in a capable body and is even more powerful than he was, now not having to go into a trance to go into his victims minds.
Now that Vecna is back to a good form, he can think about what happened. As he remembers, he remembers Nancy blasting him out the window and suddenly gets furious at her. After he had shown her his story, and even spared her to tell eleven, she had almost killed him. He sets out to find a new lair.
The next day Nancy wakes in a cold sweat. After catching her breath, Mike storms into the room and tells her she’s going to be late for school. She gets ready and leaves, her dream, which is unknown, still in her head.
We switch to school. Will is acting differently. Dustin asks him if he’s all right, but will merely walks off to class. Mike is late for class. By now, there are very few students in class. Most had left when the earthquake hit, while others left over the weekend when their yards started to turn grey and depressing. Most of the teachers left also, so school turned into half days. At lunchtime, Robin sees Nancy sneak into the bathroom. Robin follows her in an act of concernment (I don’t think that’s a word) but is stopped. Vickie is calling her name. “You all right?” She asks. Robin nods and enters the bathroom. Her eyes widen. Nancy is standing over the sink, perfectly still. Robin instantly knew what was going on. “Nancy!” She yells.
Nancy is frantically looking around the bathroom. She can faintly hear Robin’s voice yelling her name. She sees lights flickering outside the bathroom door. She opens the door to see the school hallway, flickering into a memory. Somehow she knows it’s a memory, but doesn’t remember it. It is an airport. She can see her 11 year old self walking with her parents and toddler Mike in a stroller. They had just gotten off the plane, Nancy could remember that, but had no idea where they went or were going. They walked over to baggage claim. Her young self ran over to another table where they had put the pets stowing along. She picked up a large cage but quickly put it down. She made a disgusted expression and opened the cage, and started to cry. Karen ran over to see what had happened, but young Nancy had already picked it up. Wait. It was floating…. Nancy’s eyes widen. She slowly advances. Karen was warily stepping back. Ted looked like he was about to faint. Young Nancy’s eyes started to turn color. They turned a gradient to full on neon green. The gerbil started to shake violently. Its legs moved and eyes opened for a split second, and then it exploded. Green slimy gunk was everywhere. The mindscape started to flicker and shake. Nancy could hear vecnas deep, protruding voice. “Nancy…. Did you know that about yourself? I bet you know nothing, deserve to know no more…” then it was over.
Part 2 soon!!!!!!!!
Byler -
After everything Will & Mike went through, you HAVE to make them be together. Or atleast make them kiss, and I will be happy.
Rockie -
They BOTH like each other.
Stancy -
I know this will never be canon anymore but bring them back please :(
Elmax -
Even if Max is brain-dead, I wanna see them kiss or smth
Taren -
They do not seem to love each other, even if they are married. Please, Duffer Brothers, make Karen & Ted be romantic towards each other! <3
Argylen -
Eden & Argyle are so cute together, it would be illegal to not put them together.
Characters -
Eleven Hopper:
Michael Wheeler: @ER1ca.S1nca1r
Maxine Mayfield: @Hamilton ?29
Lucas Sinclair:
William Byers: @UrLocalWofWarrior
Karen Wheeler:
Ted Wheeler:
Holly Wheeler:
Nancy Wheeler: @ER1ca.S1nca1r
Steve Harrington: @UrLocalWofWarrior
Robin Buckley: @DescendantsStrangerThings011
Joyce Byers:
Dustin Henderson: @Hamilton ?29
Suzie Bingham: @DescendantsStrangerThings011
Timeline -
December 22nd, 1989.
Location -
Wheeler's Residence.
Rules -
Only 2 characters per person.
Ships -
Byler - William x Michael
Lumax - Lucas x Maxine
Elmax - Eleven x Maxine
Taren - Ted x Karen
Stancy - Steve x Nancy
Rockie - Robin x Vickie
Duzie - Dustin x Suzie
43 Votes in Poll
64 Votes in Poll
After leaving the Byers house, we went over to the Wheeler house. We parked in the driveway and got out. I knocked on the door. "Mike?" I shouted. Instead of seeing Mike, it was his mom, Karen Wheeler. She had short, messy blonde hair that reached to her shoulders, blue eyes and bright pink lipstick. She had the appearance of your typical 80s mom. "Welcome, welcome. Come inside." She said kindly, holding the door for us and letting us in. "Thank you, Ms. Wheeler." I said. "You're welcome." She replied. We walked in and saw Mike, Nancy, Lucas, Dustin, Max, Ted and Holly. They all waved and said hi in unison. We all waved back and said hi. "Are you all ready to go camping?" Eleven asked cheerfully. "Yes!" Everyone said. Everyone was ready to go and even packed their things the day before. All of us, except for Holly, Karen and Ted got in the car and drove away, trying to find a camping spot in the woods, hoping not to encounter any monsters from The Upside Down.
Part 3 is coming soon!
56 Votes in Poll
Karen & Ted: Do I really need to explain?
Mike: Been stalling i wuv u for too many seasons. Demolished relationship w/ El, too ignorant to even acknowledge Will's constant love admissions like seriously the last thing Will needs is a crush on the most ignorant hippo on the planet
Nancy: Just a cheater. Cheater. Off the bat. + calls a devoted boyfriend ________. I mean. Bro.
51 Votes in Poll
57 Votes in Poll
53 Votes in Poll
I don’t think this would happen but if ted would get killed by vecna it would be hilarious just saying
50 Votes in Poll