2 weeks later
“Wait, so go over it one more time.” says Karen Wheeler. Hopper rolled his eyes.
“So, as we said before, there was a greater force behind everything these past few years.” Owens replied. Eleven got up and walked out of the room where the officers and parents were sitting. She walked into Mike and Dustin sat arguing about whether or not somebody could solve a Rubix cube in under 10 minutes. “Hi El,” Max smiled at her best friend. She and Lucas were practising walking again, Max still wasn’t as sturdy as before, El flashed her a quick smile and sat down on the couch. “They still talking?” Lucas asked. El nodded, Hopper,Joyce and Dr Owens were explaining to the others’ parents and Officers Powell and Callahan. “It’s so stupid that they can’t understand,” Erica complained. “I’m so bored”. “You are literally just a younger version of Rob…” Dustin trailed off. Steve grimaced,
“hey, you’ve got that date with that new girl on Friday”. Steve smiled thinking about his new girl, he and Robin used to discuss their dates, now instead he and Vickie would spend time discussing everything brilliant about Robin, they both missed her so much.
The scene cuts, at the same time, Nancy kisses Jonathan’s cheek. “I’m here for you” she started. Jonathan smiled at her. “I know,just stay in the car”. Jonathan walked into the decrepit house previously owned by the Byers. He walked into what used to be Will’s room. “Hey buddy” he began “I’m still thinking about you, I love you.” You remember what Mike said to El a couple years ago, well, you’re my superhero buddy” he smiled sadly. “I just wanted you to have this, it’s got all the new hits.” A tear dribbled down his cheek,and landed on the hardwood floor, he placed the mixtape on the boy's bed solemnly. He walked over to the doorway. “Oh and, your secret, it’s safe with me ok?”. Jonathan walked back into the car where Nancy pulled him into a warm hug. He sobs silently into her shoulder.
Flash forward.
Mike scratches at the itchy suit and tie. “Stop scratching, it only makes it worse” Lucas told him. Mike rolled his eyes.
“You think yours is bad, I do NOT like this” Max said aggressively. Tugging at her dress, it was red and frilly.
“Shut up all of you!” Dustin yelled. “LOOK!”
The doors flew open and Joyce walked down, she was cloaked in a long flowing white gown followed by Eleven, wearing a similar outfit, except accompanied by a glowing red face. Hopper stood at the front, eyes brimmed with tears. “I told you, you're not the curse American” Dmitri whispered from the back, proud of his friend. Joyce reached the front where Hopper told her how beautiful she looked. She grinned at him. There were spaces everywhere for all the people that had to sacrifice themselves in this fight;Bob, Alexei, Eddie, Murray, Robin, Will. “Byers, Byers, you’re up” Argyle said, nudging the ring bearer. “Uhh” Jonathan responded, Argyle pushed him forward. Jonathan presented the rings to the both of them. “Do you James Hopper, take Joyce Byers to be your lawfully wedded wife” the priest said.
“I do” Hopper grinned
“Do you Joyce Byers, take James Hopper to be your lawfully wedded husband”.
“I do.” the petite woman answered.
“Then I now pronounce you husband and wife”. Everyone cheered loudly. Hopper and Joyce kissed in a warm embrace.
“So smooth stalker” Max laughed watching her boyfriend’s attempt at dancing.
“What?” Lucas laughed. “Am I not good enough, you wanna come show us how it’s done MadMax?”
“Whooo” cheered Dustin who was clinging to Suzie . Max laughed and got up to dance with her boyfriend. In the corner Jonathan and Nancy were slow dancing despite the speed of the song playing.”You know,this means you’re getting a sister right” Nancy teased.
“So?” Jonathan asked.
“You’re have to learn how to do hair and do her makeup and ALL the other girly things she wants” Nancy laughed at her own comments
“Nancy,” Jonathan laughed back.
Steve watched on enviously, “cheer up Steve” Mike told him, Eleven was in his arms. “Hey Wheeler” Steve remarked to the young man, “you and your girl look happy”
“Happy” Eleven confirmed. Steve smiled at her. The music changed to a slower song, “you’d better get out there Wheeler, it’s now or never” Steve said. Mike looked at El, who smiled back at him, they ran off to the dance floor. Max and Lucas considered changing their dance. “We make our own rules” Lucas shrugged. Max grinned at him “own rules” she confirmed. The two continued their laugh and dance while Dustin pulled Suzie up. “Gosh I love you Dusty Bun” she grinned
“I love you more Suzie poo” Dustin smiled. In the centre of the hall Joyce and Hopper danced together steadily. Each of the couples leaned closer and closer until they all finally kissed. “I love you eleven” the red faced teen finally confessed aloud. Eleven's eyes widened with the words she’s been wanting to hear for years now. “I love you too, Mike” Eleven returned the symbol of affection and the two continued their dance, excited about what was next and glad what had came before was finally over