My predictions for season 5 character groupings
Group 1
Mission: stop the upside down
Group 2
Mission: kill vecna
Group 3
Mission: save max (come together with group 2 once done - ep 4/5)
Will (who I feel is able to go inside of Vecna's mind and thus can find Max
Kali (potentially)
Group 4
Mission: save Holly and prove they can be involved
Jake connelly's character
Holly Wheeler
Background group
Mission: stop the upside down
Linda Hamilton's character
Alex Breaux's character
Dr Owens
These are all just rumours and nothing is confirmed but here we go
S5 ep2-the vanishing of _____ wheeler
S5 ep3-Turbow trap
S5 ep4-sorcerer
S5 ep5-shock jock
S5 ep6-escape from camatoz
Ep 2 likely refers to Karen or Holly as we know Cara Buono was filming for this episode and they seem to have recast Holly
Ep 3 and 5 refer to the radio station that we know they've been filming at
Ep 4 probably refers to Will who is the groups cleric and is will the wise
The title of ep6 is especially interesting as it refers to death via bats, which we know Eddie Munson fell to bats during s4. However, it is also used in a wrinkle in time which we got a picture of during Ross Duffers photo dump
I really want some Holly and Will stuff in stranger things, like pleasssssssssssse. If I don’t get some Holly and Will content I will cry, It would be so cute. I want to see them drawing together so bad!!!!! Just imagine…
Something with Vecna is happening so Will goes to stay at the Wheeler’s house. Will spends the night and wakes up before Mike and Nancy, so it’s just Karen, Ted, and Holly awake. Karen is in the kitchen making breakfast, Ted is on the couch being useless, and Holly is just quietly coloring. Will walks down the stairs and peaks over Hollys shoulder to see her drawing something like a mushroom house with fairies flying around.
Will sits down next to her and says, “Hey Holls I like your drawing.” Holly smiles a little, a warm and proud smile, but still being a bit shy since she hasn’t really seen Will in a while. Will then ask, with a bright, welcoming smile, “do you mind if I sit here and draw with you?”
Holly’s eyes widen really big and she has a smile from ear to ear, “you want to draw with me!”, she says whisper shouting. Will nods his head still smiling as he sits down. He then brings out a portable music box thing (idk what it’s called😅) and unplugs the head phones turning down the music so just him, Holly, and maybe Mrs. Wheeler can hear. After awhile of them both drawing and talking about how school is going for Holly, she hands Will the picture she was making.
She then hands him the drawing she looks down with rosy cheeks (not a ship) and says, “I want you too have this, my sister and brother never really hang out with me, I wanted to give you this as a thank you before I go to school,” her voice getting warm, brighter, and less shy with each word.
Will feels like his heart is going to explode, “you are the sweetest Holly,” he say with so much softness and honesty.
Holly then looks at what Will was working on and ask, “who is that pretty red haired girl?”
Will looks at the painting and says with a slightly sad smile, “that is Lucas’s girlfriend, you remember him right?”
“Yeah? Why are you drawing his girlfriend?”
“Let’s just say she’s sick, so I thought seeing her like this might make him feel abit better, even if it’s not real”
“oh…” Holly says innocently after a long pause, “I hope she gets better soon”, she continues after perking up again
“yeah… me too” Their conversation gets interrupted by what a sounds like a clock, then foot steps, then Karen telling Holly it’s time to go. Holly quickly packs for things for school, then right before leaving she runs up and gives Will a hug. Will smiles, then gets an idea… :)
A few weeks after that Mike walks into Holly’s room, holding a carefully rolled up piece of paper.
”What’s that??” Holly says, curious
“It’s from Will” Mike replies looking slightly jelouse that he didn’t get a painting (byler🤩).
“For me??” Holly said wide eyed, as Mike handed her the picture. She’s carefully unrolled it to see something she would cherish forever! It was a very realistic picture of her with a white dress, fairy wings, flying, with two little mushrooms in her hand. Both Holly and Mike looked at the painting surprised.
Then Holly bursted with joy, “HE PAINTED THIS JUST FOR ME?!? MIKE, YOUR FRIEND IS THE BEST!!!!”
Mike snapped out of both the surprised and jealous feelings, chuckling lightly, “he really is, isn’t he”
Not gonna lie I wasn’t expecting to write a whole thing about this, like it was just supposed to be a short post….. buuuuuuuuut I don’t regret a thing😌
In s3 E7 on the Ferris wheel holly notice the trees did they make that just for that episode or for s5
Characters -
Eleven Hopper:
Michael Wheeler: @ER1ca.S1nca1r
Maxine Mayfield: @Hamilton ?29
Lucas Sinclair:
William Byers: @UrLocalWofWarrior
Karen Wheeler:
Ted Wheeler:
Holly Wheeler:
Nancy Wheeler: @ER1ca.S1nca1r
Steve Harrington: @UrLocalWofWarrior
Robin Buckley: @DescendantsStrangerThings011
Joyce Byers:
Dustin Henderson: @Hamilton ?29
Suzie Bingham: @DescendantsStrangerThings011
Timeline -
December 22nd, 1989.
Location -
Wheeler's Residence.
Rules -
Only 2 characters per person.
Ships -
Byler - William x Michael
Lumax - Lucas x Maxine
Elmax - Eleven x Maxine
Taren - Ted x Karen
Stancy - Steve x Nancy
Rockie - Robin x Vickie
Duzie - Dustin x Suzie
43 Votes in Poll
After leaving the Byers house, we went over to the Wheeler house. We parked in the driveway and got out. I knocked on the door. "Mike?" I shouted. Instead of seeing Mike, it was his mom, Karen Wheeler. She had short, messy blonde hair that reached to her shoulders, blue eyes and bright pink lipstick. She had the appearance of your typical 80s mom. "Welcome, welcome. Come inside." She said kindly, holding the door for us and letting us in. "Thank you, Ms. Wheeler." I said. "You're welcome." She replied. We walked in and saw Mike, Nancy, Lucas, Dustin, Max, Ted and Holly. They all waved and said hi in unison. We all waved back and said hi. "Are you all ready to go camping?" Eleven asked cheerfully. "Yes!" Everyone said. Everyone was ready to go and even packed their things the day before. All of us, except for Holly, Karen and Ted got in the car and drove away, trying to find a camping spot in the woods, hoping not to encounter any monsters from The Upside Down.
Part 3 is coming soon!
50 Votes in Poll
Holly seems to have more value, in s1, the episode "holly jolly" she seemed very interested in the lights, and the wall moving, now this would be overlooked because after all, she is just a toddler. However, in season 3 she is the first to point out the trees, and no one seems to rlly care, but she seems interested. Then, she points out it’s "snowing" in season four, why not someone else say that? Why draw attraction specifically to holly?
Also, they might have created the Karen poster as a distraction, or a subtle hint at her.
Welcome to Scenario #18 in the series, "What If?"
In this series, I give you a plot point that has been tweaked, significantly altered, or completely removed, and you can respond with your ideas for what might have happened. Today's question is:
"What if Joyce hadn't found Holly as the Demogorgon was coming out of the wall?"
Explore the possibilities, plunge down that rabbit hole, follow the trail of falling dominoes, and use your imagination!
Previous scenarios can be found in our archive.
Why is Holly Wheeler played by two different actresses? Like, I think that they are twins, but still. I want a reason lol.
(i made all of the labels, lol)
(i did not want to put all of the tags, bc I'm lazy, lol)
72 Votes in Poll
Based on what happened to the Creels, could another family meet the same fate?
Nancy and Mike have had more than a few close encounters with death. In s1 Holly was almost taken by the Demogorgon and in s3 Karen was almost flayed.
How many times can the Wheelers evade the horrors of the Upside Down? What if Ted gets possessed like Victor Creel?
Okay maybe not that exactly, but seriously I'm worried about how many times the writers have put the Wheelers is harms way, meaning the fourth time could really be it for some of them.
A three part anthology series of short stories in different years and eras. Based on characters such as Scott Clarke, Murray Bauman, Karen Wheeler, Holly Wheeler, Billy Hargrove, Erica Sinclair, Becky Ives, Alexei Utgoff and Doris Driscoll. I'm not sure when I'll start writing since I want to take a short break, so until then...
84 Votes in Poll