I don't know why this has posted twice, probably due to my terrible Internet, pls ignore the other one
Eleven - 70% chance of death. In my opinion, it would be more poignant if she survived but she could very much make the ultimate sacrifice
Mike - 50%. Only way I see him dying is if vecna kills him to get to El, which I find unlikely
Will- 90%. I think he is connected to vecna and the only way to kill Vecna is for Will to die
Dustin - 10%. I think he is very safe
Lucas - 10%. Similarly to Dustin, he is very much safe
Max - 25%. They kept her alive for a reason, I highly doubt she will die again
Hopper - 25%. Similarly to Max, we already experienced his death so I don't think he will die
Joyce - 10%. I highly doubt her death at all
Steve - 50%. I think it might be too predictable and the Duffer's know this, so they may not kill him off. Still could go either way
Nancy - 25%. I could see her going down in a blaze of glory, but other than that, she is unlikely to die
Jonathan - 25%. If Vecna wanted to get to Will, he would kill Jonathan, other than that, I think he will more than likely make it out alive
Robin - 75%. I think she will die. It will get to Steve and make him more dangerous
Murray - 80%. I believe that now we are free of Russia, there is no need for our translator. I really can see him dying in the upside down to save Hopper and Joyce
Erica - 1%. Yeah she ain't dying.