We know its unlikely. Also we're not going to quit because of one ship, we'd quit because of what the show can become or lead too. Marvel's a good example, once disney started the "message" they wanted to spread it to Marvel too. Hence, why movies in marvel( and in general) are so bad right now.
If you know what happens in the ending of IT:2, thats what i want most likely in some moment.
You mean at the end of S2?
If they do it realistically and don't just squeeze in their love interest, that would be something else...
Then I could definitely see it as a satisfying ending. However, it would be most realistic for me if the two remained friends, Will has already come out to Mike, but he stays with El because it was predetermined for the two of them from the beginning, since S1E1.
I wouldn’t quit because I hate the ship (although I do). That would be too far. I would just stop being a massive fan bc obv the only reason that the Duffer Brothers did it would be to please the fans and I don’t really have respect for creators of movies and shows who just do whatever the audience wants when it comes to the plot line. But their other reason for doing it is just to be woke and I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they did it just because of that but I would be pretty upset and stop being a die-hard fan like I am now. I’d still like the show, I just wouldn’t think it’s like 100% perfect 🤩 😍 👌
But perhaps the "war trauma" will also shake things up again and relationships will develop that you would never have thought possible before.
But such a trauma doesn't cause Mike to become bisexual, for that he would have to lose his mind. Maybe because of a fall or something.
Then Byler could happen until Mike's amnesia is over.
They have to think up a lot of weird stuff to realize Byler. And of course the stars have to be crossed for that, like in the starcrossed-love Dustin mentioned in S2E1, using the example of Romeo and Juliet.
@Simon Bergmann very well said 👌
@Simon Bergmann No, i meant IT: chapter 2, Pennywise?.
Spoilers for IT2: Richie(played by Finn) was actually in love with Eddie. But before he could confess his love, Eddie is killed. In ending, we see flashbacks of Richie as a teen engraving his love for him in a fence and years later he go back to the same place as an adult. So if a similar scene with Will/Mike going to Castle Byers after one of them die go to engrave the moments they had.
So in a probability, which now seems impossible or unreal, if Mike is Bi (thou it is never mentioned in the show), I speculate that he might have liked Will but just did not know how to accept it. Having a moderate conservative family and growing up in the 80's, it was a taboo to like someone of the same gender.
So in the ending in Mike's dying moments he can tell that he liked or loved Will and really cared for him.
See, if Byler is forced or rushed in S5 just to please us, even i will hate it as a Byler shipper. I know, that todays liberal and woke society has ruined it.
See the only reason i am defending Byler is just for my fanfic and because i like both the characters and actors. If it does not happen, i will really have no problem. It just does not need to be forceful.
@ZeldaMayfield333 Thats true. Woke-ness has killed the movie industry.
@BobNewby78 I agree. If its forceful or just done for fan service, even i will hate it.
Not that easy... I hope that all that stuff is just a trend and we will be able to treat stuff Like this normal. No neverendig recaption, no homophobic stuff as well.
@PresidentSmith609 EXACTLY! Wokeness has completely killed the movie industry
@Simon Bergmann please don't bring up religions or politics to avoid conflicts and keep on topic. saying someone might be part of a religious "wokeness cult" because of their opinion is not ok, thanks