Lol that article didn’t age well
Well, will Byers was the villain in season 2, lol think about it
Not rlly he was possessed by the mind flayer so...
He wasn’t the villain he was just possessed
Excuse me, WUUUUT?
Well ye but the main villain of season 2 was the mindflayer and the mindflayer was possessed will
Doesn’t mean he was the villain
They were 100% right! Will, due to possession, was the villain, and (due to adoption) Eleven did reunite with her father.
He wasn’t the villain! Did he even try to do any harm to his friends? No he didn’t. Did he try to destroy the town? No! He was possessed and he was just suffering very badly. That’s it
Im nit saying he intentionally or wanted to be the villain but the mindflayer possessed him which means that will was the villan
What do you think?