Eddie because he don’t deserve to die and it was to early
Eddie because he don’t deserve to die and it was to early
@LincolnLoudfan01 or the COUNTLESS people who said Billy was a clone…
Hmmmm….I would love for that to happen, but I highly doubt that
Guys, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the chances of this are super low. He’s dead. Like really dead.
Think of all the dead people who have come back in ST - Will, Hopper, Papa--- we even saw Billy back in season 4. in Stranger Things, the dead characters are some of the most likely ones to be seen in the next season <g>.
It is certainly possible that Eddie will be back.
We saw his body and everything. Dustin confirmed it. He was mauled to death.
@Averhoes I feel that one of the Duffers’ flaws in writing is that they are beginning to fall into a pattern of resurrecting seemingly dead characters. I love Hopper, but I honestly wish he died at the end of season 3. The scene at the Russian gate was super emotional and impactful, and discovering that he was actually alive kinda ruined it for me. It’s the same thing with Max: I really enjoy her character, but the season 4 ending would have been a lot better if she passed away, solely because of the sadness it caused in the fandom and how much it could’ve been worked with. Bringing Eddie back would not only ruin his scene with Dustin but also discredit its beautiful writing.
Ok eddie was one of my favorite characters in the whole show and his death scene will never fail to make me sob but i don’t think they should bring him back.. like i love him so much but they’ve already used this with will and hopper and now their doing it with max too. i think it would be cool to see if they’ve never done anything like it before, but considering they have, i think it would definitely become overused and weird to see happen that many times because in my opinion it’s already been overused.
@Ringoisking THISS i very strongly agree yes.
@Ringoisking it takes a lot to make me cry and I was just about to but then eleven brought max back to life and I’m like “alright tears time to move back in”
I also thinke they are gonna bring back 008 next season to
What do you think?